
The best charity website builders (tried and tested)

Choosing the right website builder is crucial to a charity’s online presense, as it can impact the functionality, user experience, and overall success of the website.
A headshot of Frankie, the author of this blog post.
Frankie Jamieson


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Webflow logo surrounded by UI elements
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Price: £140/year (Basic plan)

Webflow is a powerful website builder that is gaining popularity among charities due to its stunning design templates and complete customisation options. These templates are designed by professionals and can be easily to fit the needs of your charity. This ensures that your website looks polished and visually appealing, which can help to attract more donors and volunteers.

In addition to stunning templates and complete customization options, Webflow offers a range of powerful features that go beyond just blog functionality. With Webflow, you can build websites that have membership areas, and with the extensive code integrations, it is possible to create highly sophisticated websites that were previously only possible with a team of engineers. The power of Webflow means that small teams can build complex websites and hand them over to indivduals with low technical skills.

An excellent example of a charity organization that has benefited from Webflow's powerful features is Handson London. In 2021, we built a platform for them where users can search for volunteering opportunities all across London. Take a look at what we made for them here. The platform is now fully managed by their team, demonstrating the ease of use and management that Webflow offers. With Webflow's advanced features, charities can create websites that not only look great but also offer high levels of functionality and interactivity, all while being easily manageable by non-technical users.


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Wordpress logo with a purple background
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Price: £240 (Business plan)

When it comes to website builders, WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular website management system ever created. This popularity also extends to charities, which have been using WordPress for years to build and manage their websites. One of the benefits of WordPress is that it provides a great backend experience, making it easy for non-technical users to manage and update their website content. This means that charities can have in-house teams managing their websites, saving them time and money on outsourcing website management.

Another advantage of using WordPress is the vast network of developers and designers familiar with the platform. This makes it easier for charities to find and hire talent to help build and maintain their websites. Additionally, WordPress has a large library of plugins and themes that can extend its functionality and customisability. This makes it possible to create unique and engaging websites that meet the specific needs of the charity.

However, WordPress also has its drawbacks. One issue with WordPress is that many of its templates can feel outdated and look buggy compared to more modern website builders. Additionally, WordPress can be slower and less optimized than newer low-code tools, which can impact website performance. Another challenge of using WordPress is that it requires regular updates and maintenance to ensure it is secure and functional. This can be a time-consuming process and can add to the overall cost of website management. Nonetheless, WordPress remains a popular choice for charities looking for a reliable and powerful website builder.


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A bright ad for Squarespace, with the tagline Grow Your Own Business
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Price: £204/year (Business plan)

Squarespace is another website builder that has gained popularity among charities due to its simple user interface and management system. The platform's drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for non-technical users to create and manage websites without requiring any coding skills. This simplicity is one of the main benefits of Squarespace, making it popular among artists, photographers, and other creatives who want to showcase their work online. Squarespace also offers a range of templates that are easy to customize and give websites a sleek and modern look.

Another benefit of Squarespace is that it offers a range of features that can help charities create engaging and interactive websites. For example, the platform offers e-commerce tools, event management features, and donation integrations that make it easier for charities to raise funds online. Additionally, Squarespace has a built-in analytics dashboard that provides insights into website traffic and engagement. This can help charities better understand their audience and make data-driven decisions about website content and design.

However, Squarespace also has its limitations. One of the main drawbacks of Squarespace is that it is highly restrictive, which can be challenging for charities that require more flexibility in their website design and functionality. Additionally, while Squarespace's templates are sleek and modern, they can be limiting in terms of branding and customization options. As a result, Squarespace may not be the best option for charities looking for a more unique or custom-designed website. Overall, Squarespace is a great option for charities looking for a simple and easy-to-use website builder, but it may not meet the needs of those who require more flexibility and customization options.


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A screenshot of homepage
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Price: £240/year (Business unlimited plan)

Wix is the second most popular website builder and is commonly used among charities. Among other benefits, Wix has a great drag-and-drop builder and offers good site speed, which is important for improving user experience and search engine rankings. Additionally, Wix offers extendable features that can help charities build and manage their websites. This includes e-commerce tools, donation integrations, and blog features.

Another advantage of using Wix is that it is a large and successful company with 5000+ employees, which reduces the risk of the company folding and the charity website going down with it. Users can expect regular updates and support, which can help keep their website up-to-date and secure. Additionally, Wix integrates with a range of third-party services that can help charities streamline their operations and improve their online presence.

However, Wix also has its drawbacks. One of the main limitations of Wix is that websites built on Wix are not transferable to other platforms, which can be a concern for charities that may need to change website builders in the future. Additionally, while Wix offers a range of templates and customization options, some templates may feel too generic for some charities, and customization options can be limited. Finally, Wix can be more expensive than other website builders, particularly for charities that require more advanced features or functionality.

Despite these limitations, Wix remains a popular choice for charities looking for a website builder that offers good site speed, extendable features, and reliable support. As a large and successful company, Wix provides a level of security and stability that other website builders may not be able to offer.

A headshot of Frankie, the author of this blog post.
Frankie Jamieson
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